4702 Airport Road
Pageland, SC 29728
phone: 843-672-3534
A Celebration of Baskets
by Grace Kabel. 23 pages. Includes 7 patterns including the Oval Easter, Silver Bells Christmas, Star of David, Twilled Heart Wall, Harvest Home, Victorian Christmas, and Christmas Card Baskets. Has diagrams showing all the techniques needed to make these baskets.
by Nellann Roberts. 23 pages. 13 patterns including market baskets, hanging wall, shaker's cats head with drop handle, cheese baskets, heart-shaped cheese basket, and others. Very good diagrams and color photos.
by Olivia Elton Barratt. 96 color pages. 10 stylish projects including Egg in rustic materials, Rustic Tray, Spiralling Cane Bowl, Rush Boater, Rush Box in diagonal weave, Frame Basket, Willow Dog Basket, Fruit Basket in willow, Oval Flower, and Willow Letter Tray. All color photos with a basket gallery.
Country & Shaker Baskets to Weave
Contemporary Crafts: Basketmaking
$ 3.90
$ 11.95
$ 3.90
by Osma Galling Tod. 268 pages. Natural materials found in the woods and the fields are used to create baskets within the pages of this book. Explains the gathering and preparing of these materials and also includes 10 different patterns.
by Nellann Roberts. 23 pages. Instructions for 11 egg and 1 key baskets. Includes instructions for god's eye and half god's eyes and has very easy to follow diagrams and color pictures. How to add stakes and fill in spaces.
Egg Baskets To Weave
Earth Basketry
$ 14.95
$ 3.90
Our books are listed alphabetically by Title.