4702 Airport Road
Pageland, SC 29728
phone: 843-672-3534
by Bruce W. Miller & Jim Widess. 143 pages and photos. Everything you ever wanted to know about weaving and restoring chair seats. Easy to follow instructions with excellant how-to photos and diagrams.
by Jim Widess. 127 pages and photos. How to weave all kinds of seats and how to repair wicker furniture. Excellant how-to photos, all in color.
The Caner's Handbook
The Complete Guide
To Chair Caning
by Ruth B. Comstock. 18 pages and photos. Step by step instructions on how to cane square, oblong, and round seats It also includes how to do pre-woven cane seats. Good step-by-step how-to photos.
by Cat Denton. 27 pages. How to replace chair seats using strand cane and pressed cane Excellant, easy-to-follow diagrams.
Replacing Chair Seats With Caning
Cane Seats For Chairs
by Ruth B. Comstock. 14 pages and photos. Step by step instuctions on how to weave a seat out of Fiber Rush. Also how to gather, dry and weave using natural rush. Good how-to black and white photos.
Rush Seats For Chairs
$ 15.95
$ 17.85
$ 3.50
$ 3.15
$ 3.15
Our books are listed alphabetically by Title.