4702 Airport Road
Pageland, SC 29728
phone: 843-672-3534
How To Make Baskets #7
How To Make Baskets #8
How To Make Baskets #9
How To Make Baskets #10
by Lyn Siler. 20 pages. Small book containing 3 complete basket patterns: Gran's Cotton Basket, Nantucket Lightship Basket, and Nathan's Square-ribbed Basket with Braided Handle. Clear directions and easy to follow diagrams.
by Lyn Siler. 28 pages. Small book containing 3 complete basket patterns: Grace's Wine Basket, Cherokee Picnic Basket with Lid, and a Double-lidded Ribbed Picnic Basket. Clear directions and easy to follow diagrams.
by Lyn Siler. 20 pages. Small book containing 3 complete basket patterns: Lydia's Basket, Cherokee Hearts Basket, and a Lidded Round Sewing Basket. Clear directions and easy to follow diagrams.
by Lyn Siler. 20 pages. Small book containing 3 complete patterns: the Carolina Apple Basket, Spiral Bottom Bread Basket, and Cross Stitch Tote Basket. Clear directions and easy to follow diagrams.
International Basketry
Indian Baskets
by Sarah P. & William A Turnbaugh. 262 pages. 139 color photos and many more black 7 white. Explore the stunning diversity of North American Indian and Eskimo baskets. Some techniques are included but no patterns. A good idea book.
by Christoph Will. 192 pages. 400 black and white and 31 color photos of baskets from around the world. Explores the origins of plants, localized preparation techniques and a wide vareity of weaving styles. Has some diagrams of techniques, but no patterns. An idea book.
$ 3.50
$ 3.50
$ 3.50
$ 3.50
$ 17.95
$ 24.95
Our books are listed alphabetically by Title.